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5 Reasons Why Taxes Shouldn't Drive Your Retirement


January 2.  Welcome, to this week's newsletter.  Happy New Year!
There are many factors to consider when looking for your ideal place to retire.  Here are 5 reasons why putting a priority on low taxes might not be such a great idea.
This historic Georgia town has wide avenues lined with beautiful homes and brick buildings. The city has a rich history.  Its Grand Old Opera house is just one of the cultural attractions in town.
Explore Macon, GA
Traffic data from 2012 reveals that a disproportionate number of people 65+ die in traffic accidents. The good news is that there are exercises that can help keep you safe - and behind the wheel longer.
Kingman is located in the northwestern part of the state, close to California. Outdoor sports like hiking are very popular in the nearby mountains. Route 66 goes through town, which has a museum dedicated to the famous local boy, Andy Devine.
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